iOS 9 GUI (iPhone)
Photoshop and Sketch templates of GUI elements found in the public release of iOS 9
Updated June 23rd, 2016 · Disclaimer
Most people find this file useful for mocking up apps. Others use it to concept ideas or create custom interface elements that work harmoniously with those native to iOS. Whatever your use, we hope you make good stuff with it.
New to this app design thing? You may want to become acquainted with some of the support documentation that Apple has put together over at (login required). PDFs like the iOS HIG, UI Transition Guide, and UIKit Catalog will help you become familiar with how and when to use these elements.
We created two different files for both Photoshop and Sketch to better match your needs.
Facebook iOS 9 Light contains the stuff you use the most when designing for iOS. It’s smaller, faster and probably what you need 95% of the time.
In addition to the commonly used UI elements, Facebook iOS 9 contains a ton of elements found throughout iOS9.
A special thanks to Geoff Teehan, Jeff Smith, Robin Clediere, Dan Lebowitz, Chelsea Kim, Priyanka Kodikal, Brody Larson, Michael Boswell, Alex Ristevski, Helen Zhou, Julius Tarng, Andrew Pouliot, Charlie Deets, and Davey McGavern.