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Cgroup and Resource Protection


A web server, an external memory leak, and no resource control.

Imagine a fleet of web servers whose main job is running a web application to service user requests. But like all systems, a lot of other apps need to run: The system software and the web app require regular updates; fleet-wide maintenance tools keep the configuration in compliance; various monitoring and alarm frameworks need to run, and so on.

Let's say a maintenance program started by cron is malfunctioning and keeps leaking memory, and that the malfunction is wall-clock dependent: This is a bad scenario that would stay hidden during testing and then trigger at the same time in production. What would happen to the system and fleet without resource control enabled?

We can simulate this scenario with the rd-hashd workload simulator and a test program intentionally designed to leak memory. rd-hashd is already started targeting the full load. Give it some time to ramp up, and let its memory footprint grow to fill up the machine closely. Check out the memory utilization graph by pressing 'g'.

Once the workload sufficiently ramps up, you can see how the system behaves without any protection by clicking the Disable all resource control features and start memory hog button, which disables all resource control mechanisms and starts a mem-hog program. The problematic program will start as rd-sysload-mem-hog.service under system.


Because the system is running without any protection, nothing can guarantee the system's responsiveness. Everything, including this demo program, will get sluggish and might completely stall. Depending on how the kernel OOM killer reacts, the system may or may not recover in a reasonable amount of time.

To avoid a reboot, stop the experiment once the system becomes sluggish by clicking the Stop the memory hog and restore resource control button.

That wasn't ideal, was it? If this were a production environment and the failure happened across a large number of machines simultaneously, our users would notice the disturbances, and the whole site might go down. How bad the system behaves, in this case, depends on the IO device. The system could ride it out longer on SSDs with high and consistent performance, and the degradation would be more gradual. However, on less performant storage devices, the margin is narrower and the deterioration is more abrupt. This isn't because rd-hashd is particularly IO heavy. The only "file" IO it does are log writes, calibrated to ~5% of maximum write bandwidth. The memory hog doesn't do any file IOs either. The IOs, and the resulting dependence on storage performance, are because memory management and IO are intertwined. Your IO device is a critical component in deciding how big your workload's memory footprint can be and how gracefully the system can degrade under stress, with or without resource control.

The cgroup Tree

It’s frustrating to watch a system back up like that: It seems obvious that the management app is less important, more likely to cause issues, and should have been throttled as the situation deteriorated.

But the system doesn't know that. To the kernel, they're all just processes: Without resource control enabled, it has no mechanism to distinguish between a primary workload, like rd-hashd in this case, and a malfunction like the memory hog. They're equal in terms of memory and IO, and the kernel tries to balance the two as best it can as the system descends into a thrashing live-lock.

cgroup (control group) is the Linux kernel feature that enables you to tell the kernel how the system is composed and how resources should be distributed among the applications.

cgroup has a tree structure like your filesystem, but each tree node, called a cgroup, contains processes rather than files. This hierarchy tells the kernel how processes are grouped into applications and how applications relate to each other. Along the hierarchy, cgroup controllers for CPU, memory, and IO can be configured to monitor resource consumption and control resource distribution.

In systemd, intermediate cgroups are referred to as slices. In this demo, we're primarily concerned with the top-level slices, or cgroups. Because cgroup resource control is hierarchical, controlling how resources flow into each top-level cgroup and how the applications below them are organized, allows us to control resource distribution across the system. The demo uses the following top-level slices:

  • workload.slice: This is where the system's primary workloads run. Our latency-sensitive primary workload - rd-hashd - runs here too as workload.slice/rd-hashd-A.service.

  • sideload.slice: This is where secondary opportunistic side workloads run. We'll revisit sideloads later.

  • hostcritical.slice: Some applications are critical for the basic health of the system. Here are some examples:

    • dbus: If dbus isn't responding, a systemd-based system might as well be off.

    • Fleet management software: Failures here can mean the machine isn't considered online at all.

    • System protection software like out-of-memory daemon (OOMD): If these apps can't run, they can't protect the system.

    • Logging and logging in: If we can't log into the machine to read logs and debug, we can't fix problems. Some monitoring apps fall into this category too.

    • For this demo, this program itself is a critical monitoring and control software. It also serves as a demonstration of what resource control can do: No matter what happens to the rest of the system, this demo will run and respond to you as long as resource control protections are enabled, as we'll do in the next section below.

  • system.slice: This contains everything else: All the management, non-critical monitoring, plus the kitchen sink. We want these to run but it's not the end of the world if they slow down or even get killed and restart if the situation gets really dire.

  • init.scope: systemd lives here, which is critical for the whole system. We set up resource protection for this cgroup similar to hostcritical. We won't get into details on this cgroup for now, but all the key points that apply to hostcritical apply to this cgroup.

  • user.slice: This is where the user's login sessions live. In some server deployments, this isn't used at all. In desktop setups, it's useful to configure it so that each session has some protection, and no single application suffocates the others. This demo sets up some basic protections for user in case the demo is accessed from a local session, but a detailed discussion of a desktop use case is out of scope for this demo.

The upper right pane in the demo shows various statistics for each top-level cgroup. The last line tagged with "-" is the system total. Other graphs in the graph view ('g'), plot the same metric for workload, sideload, and system slices.

You can check out what cgroups are on your system by running systemd-cgls. The kernel interface is a pseudo filesystem mounted under /sys/fs/cgroup.

Turning on Resource Protection

Once the kernel understands what applications are on the system and how they're grouped in cgroups, it can monitor resource consumption and control distribution along that hierarchy. We'll repeat the same test run we did above, but leaving all the resource protection configurations turned on.

rd-hashd should already be running at full tilt. Once workload's memory usage stops growing, let's start the same memory hog, without touching anything else by clicking the Start memory hog button.

Monitor the RPS and other resource consumption in the graph view ('g'). The RPS may go down a little and dip occasionally, but it'll stay close to full capacity no matter how long you let the memory hog go on. Eventually, the memory hog will be killed off by OOMD. Try it multiple times by clearing the memory hog with the Stop memory hog button and restarting it with the start button above.

In this scenario, with resource control on, our site's not going down, and users probably aren't even noticing. If we have a working monitoring mechanism, the OOMD kills will raise an alarm, people can quickly find out which program was malfunctioning and hunt down the bug. What could have been a site-wide outage got de-escalated into an internal oops.

This is cgroup resource protection at work. The kernel understood which part was important and protected its resources at the expense of the memory hog running in the low-priority portion of the system. Eventually, the situation for the memory hog became unsustainable, and OOMD terminated it. We'll go into details in the following pages, but here's a summary of how resource protection is configured in this demo.

  • Memory:

    • workload.slice: memory.low is the best-effort memory protection⁠. It's set up so that most of the system's memory is available to the primary workloads if they want it.
    • hostcritical.slice: memory.min,the more strict version of memory.low, is set up so that 768MB is always available to hostcritical applications.
    • sideload.slice: memory.high is configured so that sideload doesn't expand to more than half of all memory. This isn't strictly necessary. Its only role is limiting the maximum size to which sideloads can expand when the system is otherwise idle, so that the primary workload doesn't have to wait for it to be kicked out while ramping up.
  • IO: All configurations are through the io.cost controller and thus only have one value to configure: the weight.

    workload : hostcritical : system : sideload = 500 : 100 : 50 : 1

    We want the majority to go to the workload. hostcritical shouldn't need a lot of IO bandwidth, but can still get a fair bit when needed. The system can get one tenth of workload at maximum, which isn't huge, but is still enough to make non-glacial forward progress. sideload only gets what's left over.

    Note that the weight-based controllers, such as io.cost, are work-conserving. The ratio is enforced only when the underlying resource is contended. If the main workload is hitting the disk hard and a system service wants to use it at the same time, the system services would only be able to get up to 1/10 of what workload gets, but if the disk is not contended, system can use however much is available.

  • CPU: All configurations are through cpu.weight.

    workload : hostcritical : system : sideload = 100 : 10 : 10 : 1

    The way cpu.weight works and is configured is very similar to IO.

For more details on cgroup:

Read On

Now that we have the basic understanding of cgroup and resource protection, let us examine other components that make resource protection possible.